Registration fee waived

Good news! We're waiving the 19.90 USD registration fee at this time.
You will not be charged.

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Registration fee payment

One-time fee charged when registering to Payoneer
Learn more
Total charge
29.95 USD
Your payment information is encrypted and secure.We don’t save your card details.

Additional payment methods
At this time, only payment via card is availableHelp us improve by telling us what other payment methods you’d like us to offer:
Thanks for sharingTo complete registration, please use a card to pay the fee
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Payoneer Sign Up
You’ve added a new funding source to your Payoneer account!
Getting Started
Step 1/4
Contact Details
Step 2/4
Security Details
Step 3/4
Almost Done
Step 4/4
  • Select your type of business
    Please fill in the fields in English characters only
    Company details:
    Full legal company name as appears on government certification
    The name you use to conduct business and which your clients recognize
    Please make sure to select the correct legal entity type to ensure smooth account approval. Which type is right for my business?
    If you do not have a company website, enter the URL of the page on which your services/products are offered
    Authorized representative’s details:
    Authorized representative has the authority to handle this account on behalf of the company.
    Sole proprietorships must provide the sole proprietor name.
    First name used in your government-issued ID, written in English characters. In case your name do contains digits, type digits in words
    Last name used in your government-issued ID, written in English characters. In case your name do contains digits, type digits in words
    This email address will be used to access your account and send you communications.
    Date of birth as listed on the authorized representative's government-issued ID
    Date of birth as listed on your government-issued ID. You must be over 18 years old to apply.
    By clicking "NEXT", you confirm that you have read and understood the
    Payoneer Privacy & Policy, and agree to its terms.
  • Please fill in the fields in English characters only Providing a complete and accurate address speeds up your account approval

    Company business address

    United States of America
    Country where you currently live
    United States of America
    Business address country
    Your residential address, including full street name and number, and other address details. Post office boxes, care-of addresses, and public addresses are not allowed.
    The physical address of the business, including full street name and number, and other address details. Post office boxes, care-of addresses, and public addresses are not allowed.
    E.g., apartment/suite number, building, floor, neighborhood
    Select the country where your company is incorporated/registered
    Full street name and number, and other address details. Post office boxes are not allowed.
    E.g., apartment/suite number, building, floor, neighborhood

    Authorized representative’s residential address

    Authorized representative’s country of residence
    Authorized representative’s residential address, including full street name and number, and other address details. Post office boxes, care-of addresses, and public addresses are not allowed.
    E.g., apartment/suite number, building, floor, neighborhood
    Mobile number Mobile number of authorized representative
    Provide a valid mobile number to ensure smooth payment approvals and enable advanced communication features
    Provide a valid mobile number to ensure smooth payment approvals and enable advanced communication features

    Click Send code and enter the verification code we send to your mobile number
    Send code Verified
  • Please fill in the fields in English characters only
    Password should contain at least 7 characters and include at least 1 Latin Alphabetic (a-z) and 1 Numeric (0-9) character
    You may be asked to verify this security answer for account verification or to reset your password
  • Your Payoneer account application has been submitted successfully and is now being reviewed.

    Want a Payoneer card? Learn how to order one.

    You’re now in step 2 of the application process.

    1. Application > Completed!
    Your application has been successfully submitted.
    2. Review > In Process
    You will receive an e-mail confirmation within the next several business days, once your application has been reviewed.
    3. Receive Payments
    Once your application is approved, you will receive an e-mail confirmation and can begin receiving payments to your account!